What is a Gable Wall? Should I Cover Those Too?
A gable is the triangular portion of the wall in an attic that is between the edges of a sloping roof. The size and shape of a gable wall depends on the structural layout of the attic, but all attics have some type of gable end. A gable wall (also called a gable end) more commonly refers to the entire wall, including the gable and the wall below it.
When the radiant rays from the sun hit these walls, they absorb that radiation and re-radiate it across the attic, just like the slopes of the roof do. Therefore, it makes sense to utilize a radiant barrier in this area to block radiant heat gain.
If you have any walls catching direct sunlight in your attic, you want to address the problem with radiant barrier as your first line of defense against the heat gain. If you do this, you will add to the overall effect of a cooler attic space, and a more efficient home overall.
How to Install AtticFoil® on Gable Walls/Ends

The gable wall install is the same as the Staple Up install method, except you can choose to start at the top (if you can reach it) for ease.
Start at the top of the wall and staple the piece of perforated AtticFoil® about an inch down from the top frame piece. You want to leave a small gap there so warm air in the pocket of the gable wall can vent out the top. Once you staple the foil to the top, it will hang down like a curtain. Now you can secure the bottom of the foil to the floor joists or up about an inch from the floor joists (stapling on the sides of the gable wall).
The idea here is we're not making it sealed up or air tight. Instead we want to allow the air to move on all sides of the foil surface, so consider that during installation. Even if you don't have a lot of vents in your attic, cut the vents. If you have gable vents in the attic, you will cut out the AtticFoil® around those vents so they can continue to exhaust like normal.
Continue with strips of foil insulation until the wall is covered.
If your gable end has vents on it, you will need to ensure that when covering the area you leave a gap or space above and below the vent or cut the foil out all around the vent. Don't cover them up!
If you’d like to see some examples of gable wall installations, check out our customer DIY Project Gallery.