DIY Guide
Two Most Common Installation Methods

Standard Staple Up Method (Warm Climates)
The Staple Up (also known as the Open-Ridge) method is the standard method used most often in WARM or HOT climates. This is especially true if your main objective is to reduce summer heat gain or if you have ductwork in the attic.

Over Insulation Method (Cold or Mixed Climates)
Create a green energy barrier by laying the radiant barrier foil out OVER the existing insulation on the attic floor. This method keeps heat out in summer and heat in during winter months, making it ideal for year-round benefit.
How to Install AtticFoil™ in an Attic
Every home is different, so while there are general recommendations for certain climates, sometimes one method is better.

Staple Up Method

Over the Insulation Method

Hybrid Method